
Sunday, May 27, 2012

All Runner Girls need Wonder Woman Tiaras...

I am a runner.  I am a slow, chunky runner, but a runner none the less.  I know this because last year Jake and I did a 5k turkey trot.  And even though I got passed by some very fit octogenarians and a lot of people pushing strollers, I finished.  Therefore, I am a runner. I have a picture to prove it.  I wish it showed my race number...

While I was training for this event I got very into the runner headband scene.  There are several companies that make specialized running headbands that supposedly don't slip and help keep the sweat out of your eyes.  My experience is that all headbands slip, unless they are so tight around your noggin that it gives you a headache.  But a headband that helps keep sweat and sunblock out of your eyes is worth it's weight in gold.

So, it's about time to start training for this year's turkey trot.  I need some new headbands because of my awkward length hair, and also to keep general yucky-ness out of my eyes.  I wanted something cotton and washable, but something that would be fun.

I love Wonder Woman.  Jake reads the comic books, apparently Brian Azzarello is doing a good job on this current run, but my heart belongs to the Linda Carter version from tv.  I watched re-runs of The New Adventures of Wonder Woman after school.  I adored her.

Aha!  I needed a Wonder Woman tiara headband.

I can't guarantee that this headband will give you super powers, but I can guarantee that you will feel like you're running faster.  I think if I had had this tiara last November I would have shaved at least 3 minutes off my (agonizingly slow) time, even if its only because my hair wouldn't have been in my eyes...

Wonder Woman Running Tiara

Size 10 crochet thread in yellow and red
Size 3 crochet thread in black (you only need a little, embroidery floss would work well too)
Size 8 steel crochet hook
Yarn needle
1/8" elastic
Sewing thread to match yellow

With yellow crochet thread ch 166.
R1: hdc in 2nd chain from hook, hdc in each ch space across, ch 1, turn (165 st)
R2: hdc across all stitches, ch 1, turn (165 st)
R3: 50 sc, 32 hdc, 3 hdc in next st, 32 hdc, 50 sc, ch 1, turn (167 st)
R4: 53 sc, 30 hdc, 3 hdc in next st,  30 hdc, 53 sc, ch 1, turn (169 st)
R5: 59 sc, 25 hdc, 3 hdc in next st, 25 hdc, 59 sc, ch 1, turn (171 st)
R6: 62 sc, 23 hdc, 3 hdc, 23 hdc, 62 sc, ch 1, turn (173 st)
R7:86 hdc, 3 hdc, 86 hdc, ch 1, turn (175 st)
R8: 87 hdc, 3 hdc, 87 hdc, ch 1, turn (177 st)
R9: 88 hdc, 5 hdc, 88 hdc (181 st)
Fasten off.  Weave in ends.
Use red crochet thread.
R1: 10 sc in magic loop, sl st to first sc to close round (10 st)
R2: ch 1, (2sc in next st, sc) 5 times, sl st to first sc to close round (15 st)
R3: sl st,[(hdc, dc, trc, dc, hdc) in next st, 2 sl st] 4 times, 
(hdc, dc, trc, dc, hdc) in next st, sl st.
Fasten off. Leave a long tail and sew star to the front of the headband.
Use the black crochet cotton, or embroidery floss to outline the star. 
 I used 1/8" elastic to close the back of my tiara.  You could use thicker elastic if you had some on hand.  I pinned one side in place, and then tried it on, holding the elastic tight to get a good fit.  Mine ended up needing about 2" of elastic, but I have kind of a big head.  Try it on and adjust it before you sew it in place.
I sewed mine with the sewing machine, because it was out and I was doing some other sewing for my grandma. You could totally hand stitch the elastic in if you didn't want to bother with a machine.

Jake and Mims want me to point out that this headband is the Sleeping Beauty Tiara if you leave the star off.   



  1. You are the coolest chick I know.

    1. Aww. You have to say that... <3

    2. You are the coolest chick I DON'T know.... I DIDN'T have to say that! :-)

  2. yeah, but I don't & Jake's right, you are! And funneeeeeeee!
    - A New Groupie

    1. Hi Karen! You are too sweet! Come hang out here anytime!
      xo Jaime

  3. Yeah! Slow, chunky runners unite! I read your blog and felt comforted by the similarity of my 5K experiences. I am totally making this!

    P.S. I totally love your patterns!

    1. Super high-five!!! It's so nice to know I'm not alone!
      xo Jaime
      P.S. I think you're awesome too!

  4. I want one of these for every day of the week.

  5. I made the tiara for my daughter. She went as Wonder Woman this year for Halloween. I had to make it a little smaller.

    1. Oh that makes me so happy to hear! Hope you guys have a great day!
      xo Jaime

  6. You rock. :)I love finding neat things here...moving from groupie to junkie, lol!

    1. Hi Nicole! I'm so happy to hear it! Junkie Dynamos are my favorite! LOL!!!
      xo Jaime

  7. I am not used to working with the crochet thread, is there a way to adapt it to yarn?

    1. Hi Irene! Hmm, that's a good question. I think if I was going to try to adapt it, I'd start with a lace weight, or very fine weight yarn and use a size C crochet hook... The size 10 crochet thread is so tiny, I'm not sure it would work. Maybe I'll have to revisit this pattern in a worsted weight cotton... Thanks for a great idea!
      xo Jaime

    2. I used Lion Brand Micro Spun yarn and a sz E/4-3.50 MM Hook. Because both the yarn and the hook were a larger size, I could not make a chain of 165. So, I had to rewrite the pattern some to fit my hook and yarn thickness. Using the HDC Foundation Chain Stitch (YouTube video here:, I chained 75…my advice to you is to keep the Foundation Chain in a multiple of 3. Using the Foundation chain method took care of both Round 1 and 2. To figure out Round 3, I divided my amount of stitches into 3 sections of 25 stitches each. The first section I sc in the first 25 stitches then did a HDC in the next 25 stitches, putting 3 HDC in the middle of those 25, then I did a sc in the last 25 stitches.
      R3: 25sc, 12 hdc, 3 hdc in next st, 12 hdc, 25 sc, ch 1, turn (77 st)
      R4: 28 sc, 10 hdc, 3 hdc in next st, 10 hdc, 28 sc, ch 1, turn (79 st)
      R5: 31 sc, 8 hdc, 3 hdc in next st, 8 hdc, 31 sc, ch 1, turn (81 st)
      R6: 33 sc, 6 hdc, 3 hdc, 6 hdc, 33 sc, ch 1, turn (83 st)

      It was at this point that my band began to get rather wide, so instead of going through the next three rounds, I skipped to the last round and worked a HDC in all the stitches, putting 5 HDC in the middle stitch.

      If you keep the beginning foundation chain a multiple of 3, then your pattern will hopefully be easier to adjust. I hope this helps!

    3. Mandy Jo, you've got an amazing site!!! I went to check it out, and Holy Schmow girl you've got a lot of awesome crochet over there!! The Tiara turned out so cool, thanks for adding the pattern over here. You can guest blog for the CD any time! LOL!!!
      xo Jaime

    4. Oh my word! I think you made my entire month of March----and March hasn't even begun yet! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I could say that I come up with things on my own, but the real talent is with creators like you! One of these days, as I get more comfortable with this craft/art, I hope I can join your ranks of innovative creativity rather than always depending on (and imitating)someone else's brilliant ingenuity! Thank you for your willingness to share your ideas!

    5. Aw! What a cutie! You're awesome! I can't wait to see what you come up with!
      xo Jaime

  8. Your patterns and blog are so inspiring! Thank you for sharing. :)

    1. Thanks so much! It means the world to me!
      xo Jaime

  9. My Ten-year old daughter is running/walking her first 5K next weekend. I may make these for her and her two running partners.

  10. Would make a lovely tiara for a chemo patient, young or old. Love it!

  11. I want a wonder woman tiara for my half marathon. I am so making this!!! I love it! thank you!!

  12. This is great! I have a superhero/comic book party coming up and this will be a part of it. I

  13. Love this!!! (I'm probably slower than you)

  14. I love your pattern and will definitely be giving it a go. Thank you.

  15. Just came across this pattern. What a wonderful idea and very inspiring. Thank you for sharing your pattern!

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